
第95回講演会 九州大学 浅野周作助教、BuraphaUniversity, Thailand Prof. NopphonWeeranoppanant、University of Alberta, Department of Chemistry, Canada Prof. Eric Rivard

講演会名 第95回講演会 九州大学 浅野周作助教、BuraphaUniversity, Thailand Prof. NopphonWeeranoppanant、University of Alberta, Department of Chemistry, Canada Prof. Eric Rivard
開催日 2023.03.17
開催場所 産総研第5事業所第2本館 第3,第4会議室(5-2-6602、6603室)およびTeams配信
参加人数 23名

<講師>九州大学先導物質化学研究所  浅野周作助教





◆Flow chemistry: Enabling technology for sustainable chemical and biochemical processes
<講師>BuraphaUniversity, Thailand   Prof. NopphonWeeranoppanant

Prof. Weeranoppanant discussed how they used flow chemistry and bioprocess to enhance process sustainability. Examples of photocatalytic reaction in flow and bioprocess intensification was highlighted in the lecture.



◆From Conducting Polymers to Mild Semiconductor Synthesis  in Solution: Main Group Chemistry at Work
<講師>University of Alberta, Department of Chemistry, Canada  Prof. Eric Rivard

Prof. Rivard described application of a class of P-B frustrated Lewis pair (FLP) chelate to gain access to various main group hydrides, for the deposition of the semiconducting materials Si, Ge and InP under mild conditions from solution. He also described a new class of polyacetylene with enhanced air-stability, narrow optical band gaps, and redox-triggered optical switching in the telecommunications region (1500 nm).