
木越 英夫(理学博士)・木島 正志(理学博士)・礒田 博子(博士(農学))
- 官能基変換・触媒技術を用いる藻類の高付加価値化と産業応用への転換
- 藻類産炭化水素と触媒技術を融合したポリマー創製技術の開発
- 官能基変換・触媒技術とバイオアッセイ技術の融合による未活用生物資源の高付加価値化と産業応用への展開
筑波大学 教授
木越 英夫
筑波大学 教授
産業技術総合研究所 クロスアポイントメントフェロー木島 正志
筑波大学 教授
産業技術総合研究所 クロスアポイントメントフェロー礒田 博子※※※
筑波大学 助教
産業技術総合研究所 クロスアポイントメントフェロー川島 英久
筑波大学 教授
神原 貴樹
筑波大学 講師
桑原 純平
筑波大学 助教
大好 孝幸
NECスマートエネルギー研究所 主席研究員
筑波大学連携大学院 教授位地 正年
産業技術総合研究所 総括研究主幹・固体触媒チーム 研究チーム長
筑波大学 教授藤谷 忠博
官能基変換チーム 研究チーム長富永 健一
触媒固定化設計チーム 研究チーム長
筑波大学 准教授崔 準哲
官能基変換チーム 上級主任研究員有村 隆志
触媒固定化設計チーム 主任研究員小野澤 俊也
官能基変換チーム 研究員
筑波大学 助教佐々木 一憲
1. Masaki Kita, Yuichiro Hirayama, Miyuki Sugiyama, and Hideo Kigoshi:
Development of Highly Cytotoxic and Actin-Depolymerizing Biotin Derivatives of Aplyronine A,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50 (42), 9871-9874 (2011).
2. Takayuki Ohyoshi, Shota Funakubo, Yamato Miyazawa, Keisuke Niida, Ichiro Hayakawa, and Hideo Kigoshi:
Total Synthesis of (-)-13-Oxyingenol and its Natural Derivative,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51 (20), 4972-4975 (2012).
3. Masaki Kita, Yuichiro Hirayama, Kota Yamagishi, Kozo Yoneda, Ryosuke Fujisawa, and Hideo Kigoshi:
Interactions of the Antitumor Macrolide Aplyronine A with Actin and Actin-Related Proteins Established by Its Versatile Photoaffinity Derivatives,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134 (50), 20314-20317 (2012).
4. Masaki Kita, Yuichiro Hirayama, Kozo Yoneda, Kota Yamagishi, Takumi Chinen, Takeo Usui, Eriko Sumiya, Motonari Uesugi, and Hideo Kigoshi:
Inhibition of Microtubule Assembly by A Complex of Actin and Antitumor Macrolide Aplyronine A,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135 (48), 18089-18095 (2013).
5. Atsushi Kawamura, Masaki Kita, and Hideo Kigoshi:
Aplysiasecosterol A: A 9,11-Secosteroid with an Unprecedented Tricyclic Gamma-diketone Structure from the Sea Hare Aplysia kurodai,
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 54 (24), 7073-7076 (2015).
1. 天然物化学-海洋生物編-, 山村庄亮, 長谷川宏司, 木越英夫編, アイピーシー (2008).
1) Kosuke Shibasaki, Takeshi Yasuda, Yohei Yamamoto, and Masashi Kijima, “Monosubstitution at the 4-position of 2,7-carbazolylene expands the structural design and fundamental properties of D-π-A copolymers for organic photovoltaic cells” , Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 5921-5930.
2) Takeshi Shimada, Toshimitsu Hata, and Masashi Kijima, “Thermal conversion of lignin−cellulose composite particles into aggregates of fine carbon grains holding micro- and nesoporous spaces”, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2015, 3, 1690−1695
3) Kosuke Shibasaki, Mari Watanabe, Masashi Kijima, “Synthesis and characterization of soluble poly(3,4-phenylenedioxythiophene)”, Synthetic Metals 2015, 205, 18–22.
4) Mari Watanabe and Masashi Kijima, “Smectic-phase-induced interdigitated orientation of polythiophenes bearing phenylnaphthalene mesogen”, Liquid Crystals, 2014, 41, 897–907.
5) Kosuke Shibasaki, Kenichi Tabata, Yohei Yamamoto, Takeshi Yasuda, and Masashi Kijima, “Syntheses and photovoltaic properties of narrow band gap donor−acceptor copolymers with carboxylate-substituted benzodithiophene as electron acceptor unit”, Macromolecules 2014, 47, 4987−4993.
1) Masashi Kijima, “Syntheses of light emitting poly(N-aryl-2,7-carbazole)s”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2014, 54, 012017 [1-9].
2) 木島正志、渡辺真里、「有機・高分子物質を用いるナノ構造化炭素材料の創製」日本画像協会誌, 2014, 53, 61-70.
3) 木島正志「ウッドバイオリファイナリー(講座) 3. 木材成分物質の炭素変換」材料, 2012, 61, 803-809.
1) Satoshi Fukumitsu, Myra O Villareal, Kazuhiko Aiba, Akihiro, hino, Noriya Hori, Hiroko Isoda, Yuji Naito, “Maslinic acid in olive fruit aaeviates mild knee joint pain and improves quality of life by promoting weight loss in the elderly”, Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 2016, 16-40
2) Toshiya Matsukawa, Tetsuya Inaguma, Junkyu Han, Myra O Villareal, Hiroko Isoda, “Cyanidin-3-glucoside derived from black soybeans ameliorate type 2 diabetes through the induction of differentiation of preadipocytes into smaller and insulin-sensitive adipocytes”, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2015.03.006
3) Imen Samet, Myra Villareal, O, Hideko Motojima, Junkyu Han, Sami Sayadi, Hiroko Isoda, “Olive leaf components apigenin 7-glucoside and luteolin 7-glucoside direct human hematopoietic stem cell differentiation towards erythroid lineage”, DIFFERENTIATION, 2015 June, 89, 146-155
4) Shinji Kondo, Abdelfatteh El Omri, Junkyu Han, Hiroko Isoda, “Antidepressant-like effects of rosmarinic acid through mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor modulation”, Journal of Functional Foods, 2015, doi:10.1016/j.jff.2015.03.001
5) Fukumitsu S, Villareal MO, Fujitsuka T, Aida K, Isoda H, “Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects of pentacyclic triterpenoids maslinic acid through NF-κB inactivation”, Mol Nutr Food Res, Epub 2015 Nov 17, 60(2):399-409, doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201500465
1) Junkyu Han, Kazunori Sasaki, El Omri, Isoda Hiroko. “Chapter 99 ? Caffeolyquinic Acid Induces the Upregulation of Glycolytic Enzymes”, Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention, 2015, p.897
2) Junkyu Han, El Omri, Kazunori Sasaki, Isoda Hiroko, “Chapter 81 ? Caffeolyquinic Acid Protects against Alzheimer’s Disease through Inhibition of Amyloid Beta-Induced Toxicity”, Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention, 2015, p.729