
第66回講演会 Department of Chemistry, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) Jun (Joelle) WANG

イベント名 第66回講演会 Department of Chemistry, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) Jun (Joelle) WANG
期日 2019.03.27

産総研触媒化学融合研究センターでは、様々な分野で活躍している大学、 公的研究機関、企業等の方々をお招きして講演会を開催することで分野の 垣根を越えた連携の実現を目指しています。

場所:産総研第5事業所 第2本館 第4会議室(5-26603室)


◆Facile access of chiral flavanoids via effective asymmetric catalysis

◆Department of Chemistry, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Jun (Joelle) WANG

Flavonoids are privileged structural motifs in numerous natural products and pharmaceutical molecules, which show rich biological activities such as antitumor, antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Flavene, flavane and isoflavane featuring a chiral center are subgroups of flavonoid. Given the prevalence of this structural unit, there has been considerable interest in developing methods for targeting flavene skeletons. Nevertheless, facile access of their corresponding optically active variants via asymmetric catalysis remains limited.
In addition to the asymmetric conjugate hydroarylation of chromones and thiochromones, asymmetric reduction of flavone is also one of the most straightforward ways to synthesize chiral flavanone. Very recently, a highly efficient kinetic resolution and dynamic kinetic resolution of chromene has been realized via a Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydroarylation pathway.





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